When Careers End Due To Serious, Work-Related Injuries
In the world of workers’ compensation, serious injuries are subject to different laws and procedures. When a workplace accident leaves an employee with a disability such as blindness or paralysis, he or she is entitled to longer-lasting benefits than those who suffer less catastrophic injuries.
Not all catastrophic injuries are as serious as paraplegia. In general, catastrophic injuries are those that prevent you from returning to the workforce. If your injuries are such that you cannot go back to work in your current profession and you cannot learn another one, you may be able to recover permanent compensation.
Under normal circumstances, workers’ compensation benefits are capped to a certain maximum duration. If you have suffered a catastrophic injury, however, we can help you remove that cap, enabling you to receive the lifelong care you require for injuries such as:
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
- Spinal cord injuries including paralysis
- Amputations of limbs and digits
- Burn injuries including chemical burns
- Eye injuries including blindness
- Nerve injuries including peripheral neuropathy (PN)
Catastrophic injuries can come about in many ways. Construction site injuries, warehouse accidents and trucking accidents are common causes of serious injuries. As long as the injury was sustained in the course of work, the injured party will be eligible to receive workers’ compensation.
Ready To Take On Complex Cases
Given the diversity of the possible circumstances and the seriousness of the medical conditions, catastrophic injury cases can quickly become very complex. This complexity represents a significant challenge for those attempting to secure the compensation they require.
Georgia serious injury lawyer John D. Christy has over 30 years of workers’ compensation experience. Throughout his career, Mr. Christy has developed an extensive network of qualified medical and legal contacts that enable him to resolve even the most complicated workers’ compensation cases.
Contact An Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorney
If you have been injured in a serious workplace accident anywhere in Georgia, Perry or any other central Georgia city, contact us online or call 478-987-9000. We offer free initial consultations to all clients. Weekend and evening appointments are also available upon request.